Saturday 7 May 2016

A typical Wednesday for our finance team member

The finance team work hard to ensure our customers are provided with finance to get their epos systems and start trading more quickly and efficiently.

A typical Wednesday for our finance team: The finance team work hard to ensure our customers are provided with finance to get their epos systems and start trading more quickly and efficiently. How do you start your day? I always start the day with a large coffee as I know I will have a busy day ahead of me! What kind of people do you help? We help small businesses and start- up, for example cafes and coffee shops, who have plans to grow but do not want the burden of having to pay expensive start-up costs. Cash flow is very important. How easy is it to get a weekly payment plan? With just a few documents (ID, bank statement etc.) we can find a plan which works for our customer and get the deal approved in a few short days. From there we then speak to our colleagues on logistics to ensure the product gets shipped out without delay. What is the best part of your role? The best thing about the role is dealing with various businesses and assisting them to achieve their financial targets and get the EPOS system they need to start trading quickly and intelligently.

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